June 16, 2009

The 19th Wife

I just finished this intriguing book, and I'm still in awe of it. There are two story lines going on - one in Brigham Young's time and one today - and yet both stories are interconnected. Plus, the author tells the story from multiple points of view - diary entries, letters, thesis papers, first person narratives - and yet each character has an arch, a personality, and a hint of real humanity. Very cool. Plus, he must've done a ton of research to make this book work. I really admire this quality in authors, because I don't think I have the patience to do it. I'd much rather create from the world I know today (or just create my own fantasy world with its own history and creatures). :)

The whole time I was reading this book, I was thinking, "Whoa, the Mormons are not portrayed in a very good light here." But I never heard any kind of complaints or controversies surrounding this book. The Mormons didn't freak out about it.

And then I thought about my own church.

Whenever something "bad" is released to the public, be it a book or movie (though movies, of course, get more press), Christians spaz out about it. "It's satanic, immoral, bad for our children, misleading," they say. And while their concerns may be real and they may want to protect their childern, I have to laugh at them. By making a fuss, they just make the "banned" artform that much more intriguing to everyone. And it makes Christians look dumb, superficial, judgmental.

I also wonder if those people that speak against books and movies have even given the art a chance. Did they read or watch it themselves and truly understand the artistic qualities of it? Or are they basing their assumptions on something some pastor said? If they're thinking for themselves and have truly found something dissatisfying to them, I am glad they have their convictions and want to share them with people. But if they're just being the fanatical mouthpiece, then I think they should keep their mouths shut.

Let art be art. Let it show real life. Because, I'm sorry to say, real life is not always moral or good for our children.

June 15, 2009

Hobbit Hotel

My husband found this fantastic-looking hotel the other day and sent it to me. I know he did it to make me drool. I would love to go here, bring my Lord of the Rings soundtrack and my curling iron (I must feel like a hobbit too!), and look out the window and write.
This would be the perfect place to re-invigorate my fantasy writing. I miss my dragons and fairies.
Now all I have to do is get the money. Oh, and the plane ticket.

June 14, 2009

The Prize for Patience

If you're struggling with patience (as I oftentimes do), think of this stop-motion music video. It must've taken months to make these three minutes, and yet, the result is so beautiful!

That's how it is with most art. You see the idea in your head, you labor away for months and years, you edit and revise and want to pull out your hair, and finally, you have something. Something lovely to share with the world. I'm so glad I'm a writer :)