Rather than having our writer's group last night, we English grads went to a poetry reading at an art gallery in St. Paul. Our teacher, Amy McCann, presented some of her work, and I was in awe. Her language is very elegant and gentle, and she expressed tragic, disturbing things in beautiful ways. My favorite poem of hers spoke of a dead hawk that her friend lifed into his arms and examined its wounds while Amy took a picture of its fallen, open wing. That moment left a very nice taste in my mouth.
The art gallery itself was very intriguing as well. All the work was done by the same artist, a painter who favored portraits with long necks and large hands. Each of the faces had deep eyes, like an entire story, an entire life was within them. Very haunting. I may have considered buying one if they weren't $2,000 each!
Some more notes on the reading:
1. Having wine and cheese was very classy, and I wished I had been wearing an artsy type dress.
2. There are so many different styles of poetry, and I find it fascinating how different people express their voices.
3. One woman wrote a long poem that was really a series of shorter poems. Each page had only a few lines on it - a little poem that could stand by itself. And each little poem contributed to the larger one. So cool. I think I might try that sometime.
4. A man wrote one called "Sleepwalkers" which I really loved. He described different people sleepwalking, giving each person two or three lines and separating each story with a pause. Apparently, I'm drawn to sectional poetry. It can tell so much in smaller doses. And it lets the silence speak.
And finally, here are some other poets' lines that stuck in my head (I wish I knew the line breaks, because they would make the moments more powerful. That's the one bummer about poetry readings. You don't have the work in front of your eyes.):
"You can't find a wife in a line-up of bridesmaids."
"Medicine in the breeze we inhale when we open the windows."
I should go to more of these things, because I come home all buzzing with inspiration. :)
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