September 1, 2009

From one internship to another

I have had the craziest week so far (and it's only Tuesday!). Yesterday was my last day at my internship. I was a little sad, because I really enjoyed the people and the pay, but I'm ready to start something new. And I was waiting to hear back about a new job position. I figured I had a good chance of getting it seeing as I made it through three interviews. But apparently, they made an offer yesterday, and I was left out of it. I got the email today. Very sad. But I'm glad they didn't call me with the news. How are you supposed to react when you have your hopes up about something and then they are crushed? "Oh, thanks. I was really hoping the other person would get it." But anyway, I'll stop sounding bitter about it and won't go into all the details of how perfect it would've been and how Josh could've quit his one job and not be so tired all the time, because obviously, this job was not meant to be.

So, after I cried and moped for about ten minutes, I got a phone call from Milkweed Editions. Two weeks ago, I received a rejection letter from them as well, so naturally, I had completely taken them out of my mind. But miraculously (because God is crazy good about stuff), they had another opening, and they wanted me! Seriously, I sat holding the phone with my mouth hanging open. I had NO idea how to feel. From rejection pains to extreme excitement in ten minutes? Kinda hard to handle.

Talk about your "one door closing, another door opening" experience.

Now all I have to do is find a part-time job that actually pays. I don't want Josh to have all the pressure. And seeing as the first two days of this week have been completely unexpected, I hope some other crazy good things will happen.


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