May 19, 2009

This is your life. Are you who you wanna be?

These monumental times in my life (aka graduation) always bring me back to Switchfoot and their slightly discouraging, yet inspirational song, "This is Your Life." Discouraging because I have no idea if I'm who I want to be. Inspirational because it makes me want to change.

So, let's see, I'm married to a man who loves me deeply, and sometimes I fear that I'm incapable of returning that level of love. We live in a modest and nicely-decorated apartment on the first floor, but I want a balcony in the sun and a little porch swing.
I graduated with a degree in English, my favorite thing, but the writing jobs that are readily available (and by readily available, I mean actually hiring) are not in the creative vein. I hope that someday my journalling will amount to something.
I have a great family that lives thirty miles away, a hamster who responds to her name and begs for attention, and a brother who I've recently discovered I'd protect with my life.

Maybe I'm on my way to something great, to a cute little house, to an editing position in a publishing company, to a husband who has a 9-5 job. I don't know. But I hope I figure it out soon before this song drives me crazy.

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