February 16, 2010

Why I need a new bookshelf

Every night when I'm going to pick Josh up from work, I get a terrible urge to stop at the Micawber's Bookstore, which is conveniently (or perhaps inconveniently) right on the way. There are three things holding me back from actually browsing the shelves and coming home with more books. One: It's usually 11:30 p.m. when I drive by. Two: I've got a huge pile of books I have yet to read. And three: Besides the floor, I have no where to keep them! 

Which is why I've started a Bookshelf Fund to save up for this fine beauty:

Feel free to donate to my cause :)


  1. Me too! I almost bought one last week (one of those "Some assembly required" ones from Target), but it wasn't quite the right size. We should exchange book lists someday soon! I need some new captivating reads.
