April 14, 2010

Ninety-eight years ago...

April 14th, 1912. The death of the Titanic. And I know this because I'm obsessed, and because I'm obsessed, we'll will be going to this fine tourist attraction. When I discovered this, I nearly peed my pants (Josh can attest to it; he was there calming me down and resigning to the fact that he cannot escape this place). But it works out perfectly, because we were planning on going to the Smokey Mountains this fall anyway! Of course, most of the vacation will be spent in the National Park, in the campground, and on the hiking trails, but as long as this beauty of a tourist trap exists, I have got to check it out!

p.s. If this had been open before our wedding, I would have seriously considered getting married there. On the Grand Staircase! And I would've had a Rose-like dress and had a string quartet and it would've been marvelous. But since Josh is not as big a nerd about such things, I'm sure he would've convinced me otherwise ;)

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