May 14, 2010


What ever happened to living in the present? Our fast-paced society almost makes the endeavor impossible. Josh just told me that Apple will soon be doing their "Back to School" campaign. Before school is even let out for the summer. Can it get any more depressing than that?

We spend so much time looking forward to future things that we miss seeing things in the moment. I wish I wasn't guilty of this. I wish I could enjoy five course meals and spend two hours at lunch with friends like the French do. I wish I didn't carry a watch and did things as and when I felt like doing them. I wish I walked more places rather than flew past them on the freeway. I wish I could relax and think for long periods of time without having the impulse--or fear?--to do something or be somewhere else. I think I'd be a better writer. I know I'd be a better person, have richer experiences and deeper relationships. But is it too late to change? And how can it even be done?


  1. This is so true Heidi :)
    I always get frustrated with this too because what are we rushing towards. Not to be blunt but at the end of our natural life is death and why should we rush. I agree that we should enjoy every moment.
    I will try to do this with you my friend :)

  2. I was actually just thinking about this today when I read one of the quotes that a teacher said in the yearbook. It said, "We know one thing about the future: this isn't it. Getting ready for the future is a never-ending challenge."
    This quote kind of made me a bit sad because, though it is true, I think it's more discouraging than inspirational. To me, it's kind of saying "You will never reach your full potential or dreams." And I was like, Aww :(

    I think that's sorta related. Your blog made me think of it, at least. :)
