May 26, 2010

Literature Condo

Remember how I had far too many books and no place to keep them? Well, here it is, boys and girls, the new beauty that lives in our bedroom:

My parents helped me pick it up from the store last night. Thankfully, we got it inside before it started raining too hard. Isn't it lovely? Five feet of pure literature. Naturally, I proceeded to spend the rest of the evening organizing, paging through, and reorganizing all my books. And I couldn't believe that by the time I was done, I still had three books without a home! *sigh* Guess I don't have any more excuses to buy more. Until we have a house with a library, that is ;)

Once the books were all smiling at me from their alphabetical (by author) orderliness, I just stood there and stared at them, smiling uncontrollably. I love being able to see all their titles clearly, to be able to pull them out and look at them without a whole pile tumbling down. And I love advertising my literary taste. :) 

I couldn't wait for Josh to get home, because I wanted him to bounce around in excitement with me. But he didn't have the same intensity of emotion. Therefore, I had a dance party with myself.


  1. ooo, you own heart of darkness? how splendid! I wish I had a literature collection. But I've got movies, so...

  2. *sigh with happiness* It's beautiful Heidi!

  3. Oh, Heidi, I LOVE it! Where did you get it? I really need a book shelf. Currently, I have two of those slabs-of-wood-nailed-together shelves that I think are intended for garages or one of those huge plastic tubs all filled with books. Also, you're lucky you don't own (I'm guessing) any Spanish books because their titles are upside down on the spines - So if the book is lying flat with the front cover facing up, the spine's title is upside down. It is the source of much lamenting for Erica and me.
