May 24, 2010

Toy Story

I can't believe it's been eleven years since the first Toy Story movie came out! Back then, I was fascinated with the movie's premise. Even before it came out, I had an inkling that my Littlest Pet Shops and Pound Puppies led double lives, had more fun amongst themselves while I was at school, and Toy Story affirmed my suspicions. I remember setting up all my animals in their little toy homes, memorizing their positions, leaving the bedroom, and closing the door behind me. I waited a few minutes before bursting back inside, hoping to catch them off guard, sprawled somewhere I hadn't left them, or even see one still wiggling. But they were too good, too swift.

Later, I figured the closed door is what gave me away. I never closed my door when I left the room. They must've sensed something was up.

After many failed attempts to catch the toys in the act, I came to the conclusion that they would always be one step ahead of me. It made sense that they could read my mind, because after all, it was my mind that gave them names and homes and scenarios. Even today, I still like to believe that tucked deep in my closet and out of sight, my little animals have county fairs and school days, birthday parties and barbecues. Wouldn't that be a great world?


  1. I always thought that too :) I think that would be a fun world. If only...

  2. Makes me remember a cartoon I saw once of a little boy peering over his copy of The Velveteen Rabbit at the new "Alien" toy he got for his birthday.......
